EasyFundraising News

Between January to March 2015, we have raised a total of £43.60 for club funds, through EasyFundraising, our biggest total yet! Thanks to everyone who has helped us to raise this. For more information about EasyFundraising works and how you can help to support the swimming club, please see the link below:


Webb Ivory Spring/Summer 2015

The Webb Ivory Spring/Summer 2015 Catalogue has raised a total of £47.45 for club funds, beating last years total. Many thanks to everyone who placed an order.

EasyFundraising News

Huge thanks to everybody who uses EasyFundraising when they shop online, to raise funds for the club. Between October 2014 and December 2014, we raised a total of £25.59 for club funds. Thanks for your support! More information about EasyFundraising can be found here:  https://www.bedworthdisabledswimming.co.uk/easyfundraising/

Webb Ivory 2014

Many thanks to everyone who bought something from the Webb Ivory Catalogues in 2014, in support of Bedworth Disabled Swimming Club. Here is our certificate of merit for being a top fundraiser for the year!


Webb Ivory Christmas Catalogue 2014

Many thanks to everyone who has ordered items out of the Webb Ivory Christmas Catalogue 2014. We have raised a total of £71.75 for club funds, exceeding last years total. Thank you!

Easy Fundraising

Between May – July 2014, we raised a total of £30.71 for club funds, making the total amount we have raised through shopping online with EasyFundraising £312.00. Thank you! Find out how you can help support here:


Webb Ivory Spring/Summer 2014

The Spring and Summer Webb Ivory Catalogue has raised a total of £18.40 for club funds. Many thanks to everyone who placed an order. The Christmas 2014 catalogue should be here by the end of June!

EasyFundraising News

Between January-March 2014, we raised a total of £28.16 for club funds by using EasyFundraising. Huge thanks to everyone who helped us to raise this.

Easter Egg Raffle

The Easter Egg Raffle raised a total of £37.00 for club funds. The winners were Barbara Lanwarne, Holly (C/O Marie Clarke), Julie Hodge and Chris Hayden. Many thanks to everyone who bought tickets and thanks to Joy Day for organising it.


Between 1st October-31st December 2013, we raised a total of £36.39 for club funds, through the EasyFundraising site.  Thanks to everyone who helped us to raise this, bringing our grand total of funds raised on the site to a fantastic £242.74!

More information about how the site works and how you can help us to raise more much needed funds, can be found in this short video:
